Addicted to Disney
Caz is addicted to anything Disney, Wayne is her husband aka Mr Disney gets dragged along to all the Parks and shows and doesn't like to admit he is a Stitch Fan.
Join us as we share our experiences and thoughts on anything related to Disney from Disney Parks, and Disney Cruises, to Collectables and anything else made by the Mouse.
Addicted to Disney
The Ins and Outs of Disneyland Paris Dining and Park Mastery With Friends
Discover the enchantment of Disneyland Paris as we again team up with our friends Rachel and Ian, the dynamos of Disney wisdom, who bring their A-game to our latest park escapades. We've got you covered with money-saving hacks like toting your own beverages and insider tricks to conquer the park with the Disneyland Paris app. And for the uninitiated or the overly optimistic, our firsthand weather misadventures serve as a hilarious cautionary tale about trusting your own weather check before stepping out.
Embarking on a Disney day requires a strategic packing plan, and that's just what we unpack in this episode. We lay out the non-negotiables for your park adventure, from rain ponchos to passports, and even share a chuckle over the unexpected joys of repurposing Disney shopping bags. Our personal ride recommendations span the spectrum from nostalgic classics to heart-racing thrillers, all seasoned with our eclectic personal anecdotes and tried-and-true park tips that promise to enhance your Disney experience.
Dining at Disney can be as unpredictable as a rollercoaster ride, and we're dishing out our unfiltered reviews. While Walt's gets our nod for its delectable menu and a touch of history, not all establishments escape our critical taste buds. Join us as we recount the highs and lows of park cuisine, capped with a light-hearted mix-up that had us dubbed 'influenzas' instead of influencers! Through laughter and shared memories, this episode is a heartfelt nod to the joys of Disney and the enduring magic of friendship.
Caz and Wayne are Addicted to Disney, a podcast about the ups and downs of Disney trips, from Parts to Cruises we will try it all.
Caz collects Disney Ears, Characters and Loungefly bags. Wayne likes cameras.
uh, oops, I seem to press the red button again I pressed it again.
Speaker 1:So we are here today. This is actually part two, or the second version of disney with friends. Because we enjoyed disney with friends, the first batch, so much we decided to do a disney and do a sequel disney with no friends. So this is disney with no friends. So this is Disney with no friends. So, again, this has been recorded in the Santa Fe Hotel live from Disneyland Paris, although of course it's not going to be live, because I'm pre-recording and I'm going to edit it and it's going to come in the podcast, and hopefully it was last week's podcast that you listened to, which was part one, although when we recorded part one, going to do part two.
Speaker 3:All very confusing today. Who do we have here? It's the sequel. We have me addicted to disney cars. We've got mr disney that's me we've got rachel say hi, hi, and we've got ian again again complete with a cherry bakewells I have got a cherry bakewell he has. They've agreed to do podcast and we said that's fine.
Speaker 1:Our fee is cherry bakewells oh yes, that's a good fee the question is does he also have tea?
Speaker 4:I'm not allowed to drink tea while doing podcasts anymore, because I slurp.
Speaker 1:Yes, if you listen to last week's podcast, you will find that there was a slurp. The incident we now refer to, the incident we refer to as Ian drinking tea. Anyway, we're going to talk about.
Speaker 3:Oh, he's got a list.
Speaker 1:I have a list. Yeah, I always have a list.
Speaker 3:Watch out out. Oh, he's got a list. I have a list. Yeah, I always have a list. Watch out, guys.
Speaker 1:Here comes the list if your name's not on the list. If your name's not on the list, you're not coming in nope got his magic list again.
Speaker 3:It's always worrying when he has a list.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's a good list or bad list today is it related to the list that you have all the things you should be buying at disney? It's getting smaller it doesn't. It gets bigger each day. A long list, anyway. First thing on my list is park tips. So actually we're going to start with Rachel. She's looking at me going oh no, don't start with me. So, rachel, what's your top tips for coming to Disney?
Speaker 2:I'd say, if you're on a budget, buy your drinks and bring them with you, because that can be very expensive. That was my number one tip.
Speaker 4:Number one tip there, ian, my biggest tip is download and use the Disneyland Paris app. You can get yourself all around the park, you can book things and the biggest thing is you can look at park ride wait times and you can change all your bookings. You can regularly.
Speaker 1:We tried that today. Yeah, we've had a bit of changing of bookings today.
Speaker 1:But that's another story that is another story and kaz for you don't plan too much, because your plans, as we've discovered today, could change within minutes or seconds good point don't overstretch yourself yes, definitely, don't be afraid, if you're getting tired, to say I need a rest and I think mine is again based on today is ignore your wife's version of the weather forecast, because if she says it's going to be fine all day, check the weather forecast yourself, because today it rained and I got wet in my defense.
Speaker 3:It didn't say it was going to rain, and I think ian will back me up on that one um boys versus girls.
Speaker 2:Yeah, boys versus girls versus girls, I did check the weather forecast. I'm gonna get in trouble. Yeah, the weather forecast said it was all right so I don't know which weather forecaster you were watching.
Speaker 1:Anyway, yeah, I got wet today, so one of the things I do want to talk about is bags. Don't call them that.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, Wifey, you're taking a bag. Can you put this in it please? Even though he has his own lounge fly bag.
Speaker 1:I'm saying nothing to that one. When you bring bags into the park, there's a couple of things you have to know, one of which is they're always going to get searched or at least put through x-ray. So don't bring anything. You shouldn't, and if you're going to look at the disneyland website, there's going to be a list of things you can't bring in. However, stick everything in your bag, because at least then you've only got one thing to get x-rayed. They look at it and go yeah, whatever. But equally, if you're traveling as a, have a designated bag carrier, because then you don't have to get delayed by endless bags.
Speaker 3:Or if you're going with a wife, you just get her to carry it.
Speaker 1:You're the designated bag carrier, and what was it you said to me about bags, one of the most important things?
Speaker 3:Size matters.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and have enough space to put all the extra things in, or?
Speaker 3:you could do what I did today, which is put a shopping bag in your bag, Because one thing they do do in Disney, especially in France, not so much in Disney in the States they do actually charge you for the shopping bag. Which is why we push you to get the bigger one, and they keep putting the prices up.
Speaker 1:But it doesn't stop you buying extra shopping bags. No, because we have more shopping bags here than we came with. Yeah, yeah, because you bought shopping bags yep do you collect shopping bags.
Speaker 2:They're great for going to tesco's. I'd say that they're good for going to tesco's she collects shopping bags.
Speaker 3:Other shops are available other supermarkets are also good for taking disney bags too, and it's always great because you get people look at you as you go, put on the supermarket going, oh, disney bag, and you're in ali or asta, or asta other supermarkets are available exactly other supermarket chains are available neither of those we actually shop in once in a blue moon.
Speaker 1:So what do you carry in your bag then, kaz?
Speaker 3:in my bag apart from everything that you keep telling me that I put in there apart from Mr Disney's sunglasses, spare batteries, I carry in my park bag my autograph book for character signing. I have my purse. I have a little small pouch which has got in it what I call my medical essentials. I've got some painkillers, some blasters, some hand sanitizer, some lip balm addicted to disney business cards, mittens, because at the moment it's a bit nippy of a night. Normally on a normal park day, they're the main things I'll have in my park bag. Oh, oh, and my sunglasses.
Speaker 3:And your camera and my camera, yes, when Mr Disney is not pinching it out my bag and doing videos and what else should you have in there, but you didn't have today Poncho.
Speaker 1:Well, you didn't actually bring a poncho today. Okay, that would have been useful.
Speaker 3:You said you didn't want one.
Speaker 1:You're supposed to know these things.
Speaker 3:So, ian, what's in your park? Excuse me, you haven't finished. What did you?
Speaker 1:miss today. I forgot to put my ears on. Yes, kaz, addicted to disney, forgot park ears. And she forgot the number one rule you are not allowed in a disney park, especially if you're an influencer, unless you've got disney ears on.
Speaker 3:However, it gives me an excuse to go buy some more exactly always time to go shopping, girls. Those Disney years are in the parks for a reason.
Speaker 1:So, rachel, what do you and it doesn't forgetting anything, that's personal and you don't want to tell anyone about what do you actually carry in your bag?
Speaker 2:Like my autograph book drink, yeah, and a pen, my little medical things ibuprofen, paracetamol, plasters. A drink and of my wallet, because I have a bag carrier, what carries the rest?
Speaker 1:the mule the mule I think this means I think this means ian is the designated bag carrier for that side of the. I am the mule.
Speaker 4:Yeah, my bag has a bit of everything x quality. I like to carry things for every eventuality, so I'll have lots of fluids, normally four drinks. I'll have ponchos, I'll have meds. I'll have little bags of haribo in case rachel needs a little perk me up. Um, I've got my passports in my bag because they stay with me all the time. I don't leave them in the room, and in winter I'll have warm gear, including hand warmers as well so no, no poncho, no hexi stove.
Speaker 4:They won't let me through with the hexi stove. I'll take one if I could. Yeah, I have two corporate bin bags I call them Two of those little disposable ponchos, just in case. And that leaves me lots of room in my bag for Rachel's shopping, which I inevitably end up hoofing around the park for her.
Speaker 1:Today we decided to use what's the official term. The shopping service, the shopping service where, basically, you have to spend 50 euros and you can get it shipped back to your Disney hotel.
Speaker 3:Now Disney, if you're listening, can we have the shopping service back in Walt Disney World as well, please, because it makes life a lot easier.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and all I can say to that doing the Disney shopping service.
Speaker 2:it was a big relief for me Because he's got to carry the things, because it meant I didn't have to carry all yeah.
Speaker 4:Well, it was a big stitch, it was a big stitch, big stitch.
Speaker 1:Now, before everyone thinks that I just load everything onto the cars, I will actually now give you my tip, which is you don't need to carry a bag. What you need, if you're a gentleman, and I think probably for a lady as well is big pockets or combats. So I carry a notepad, a camera, my phone, my wallet and potentially a drink and my sunglasses in either my leg pockets and my combats, or I've got a hoodie which has got like a kangaroo pouch so I can get everything in there or he's got a wife, his handbag, well, well, that's for the emergency overflow, that's the overflow facility.
Speaker 3:That's the emergency overflow facility. I will point out that there was on the last trip we did to Walt Disney World. It was wifey. Can I put my hat in your bag now, please?
Speaker 1:Well, I would have taken my rain mac today and put it in your bag. But one, there wasn't any space. And two, you told me I didn't need the rain mat because it wasn't going to rain and it peed that's because the rain is french ah, it's because we are french.
Speaker 1:Okay, so now going on my list, because my list is carrying on. Um, I'm interested, what's your top rides? In fact, I'm not just going to ask what your top rides, I want you to name the top three in reverse order and give reasons why does it have to be disneyland paris, or can it be any disney? No, it has to be disneyland paris, because we're currently in the santa fe in disneyland paris, so kaz top three rides in disneyland paris in reverse order in reverse order.
Speaker 3:It's put me on the spot I know it's quite hard because I do. Like all the rides, I'd say, number three is Phantom Manor because, although this time it didn't happen, normally we get stuck on it. Number two I really like Pirates of the Caribbean. And then number one I don't really have a top favourite, favourite ride here If I am put on the spot and I'm getting glared at, so I've got to give at least one of them number one it's probably going to be a tie between hyperspace mountain and flight force choice which one's flight force the one that was rock and roller coaster, the one that you won't talk to me about going on no comment, a quiet taste, very much a quiet taste.
Speaker 1:Okay, rachel, what's your?
Speaker 2:your top three, in reverse order okay, so I say Peter Pan, I like Peter Pan, buzz Lightyear and Autopia why those three? I don't know, I just like them, they just.
Speaker 4:They're fun, aren't they? They're fun and you like the controller on Autopia and terrifying me.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, that is fun. I do have to admit that it's great fun, isn't?
Speaker 3:it Autopia.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I like that, but like Kaz, I like all the rides.
Speaker 1:Okay, Ian, what's?
Speaker 4:your top three. Mine three would be Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast. Love that the colours on it just pop and it's so much fun. Um. Number two would be star tours. Um, I love the fact that every time you go on you get something slightly different and it's fun. And I remember when it first opened it was a trip to endor and that was a lot of fun. Number one is probably big thunder mountain. That there's lots of fun things to see while you're on it. Um top tip. Do it at night. Um, because the mountain, when it's lit up, looks incredible, does, and it's a, and it's a good rush, it's a good ride.
Speaker 2:You're a adrenaline junkie, aren't you?
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, and I'm definitely not an adrenaline junkie.
Speaker 3:No, and I've had great fun so far because I've been able to release my inner adrenaline junkie.
Speaker 1:She went on Tower of Terror. What do you call?
Speaker 2:it and Space Mountain Tower of Poop.
Speaker 1:We we also call it tower of poop. I did not go on tower of terror, no, so my top three in reverse that's an interesting one, it is, yeah, um, probably number three would be small world. Yeah, yeah, don't ask me why. I just like small world. I can't stand the song he loves small world well, yeah, that's why it's in my top three as number three. Number two, I think, would probably be Buzz Lightyear.
Speaker 3:Only because he cheats.
Speaker 1:How do you cheat on Buzz Lightyear?
Speaker 3:He waits till I've got targets, and then he spins me around in circles.
Speaker 1:But I'm shooting the same targets.
Speaker 3:He cheats.
Speaker 1:What she actually means is every single time even though it's her quote a rematch. Unquote, unquote I seem to get more than hers grudge match is a term, oh, that's okay, next time when I lose, it's no doubt I will. You're coming on space mountain, oh I guarantee is next time, in that case, you will not win because I'll just sit there pointing it at the sky, which is actually what you normally do, it seems, but anyway, it's not my fault.
Speaker 3:I love Buzz Lightyear, but the problem is when you get to a certain point and the song starts playing, I just start singing.
Speaker 1:And it puts her aim out. Yeah, so my top one. Actually, there's going to be a joint top one.
Speaker 4:Oh, you didn't say we could have joint top ones. Oh, I make the rules.
Speaker 1:I think it's going to be very close between Pyras, yeah and Phantom Manor. Good choice, good choice. And I actually think I prefer Phantom Manor in the UK over Phantom Manor in the US.
Speaker 3:No, I'm the opposite. I like Haunted Mansion over Phantom Manor because the hitchhiking ghost scene in the loft of Haunted Mansion is really cool and you get the hack box ghost.
Speaker 1:No comment. So okay, we've done our top five rides. So okay, we've done our top three rides. What's your top restaurant? Oh, oh, oh, oh, and I'm going to do this one in reverse this time. So, ian, what's your top restaurant?
Speaker 4:and why? Right? My top restaurant is Walt's. I like the tie in between the history of the company and the parks, and the food is out of this world Good options, and the food is beautiful, good service, and it's like stepping back in time. I like that one. And what's your food options in terms of Walt's? Walt's chicken pot pie for starters, a nice cold drink, the chili for the main and I have the sundae, which is an array of different ice creams do you actually know the story behind the chili?
Speaker 4:I do, yes yeah, walt used to come in from work and he'd eat his chili from a tin, which is why it's served in a ceramic tin. Yeah, and it's little touches like that with the menu and the way it's themed. That makes it extra special it's certainly not stag chilli, though.
Speaker 1:No For those of you who aren't in the UK. Stag chilli is a tinned chilli that you can get in the UK, which is very chilli-like, but there's some question mark over exactly what meat is in there.
Speaker 4:Yeah, meat nondescript.
Speaker 1:It's very cheap. Yes, meat nondescript. And if anyone from Stag Chili is listening to this podcast, it's a fantastic product and I'd love you to sponsor me. However, yeah, I think it's the meat content. It's just meat. It's like what type of meat? You don't need to know, it's just meat. And who am I going to pick on there?
Speaker 2:Rachel, I'd say the Nets Again. I love its 1950s theme diner. Lovely food, lovely staff.
Speaker 4:Big portions.
Speaker 2:And big portions.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think there was definitely the American concept.
Speaker 2:Yeah, definitely.
Speaker 1:Here's a burger and chips. That's my entire calorific intake for the next month, yep, although there were too many screaming kids, so Kaz.
Speaker 3:I don't actually have one. I like all of them.
Speaker 2:Hyperion it is then.
Speaker 3:No Restaurant, which is my favourite restaurant. Well, I'm going to be biased because we've literally just eaten there. We've just been in the disneyland hotel and we've just been in the reimagined inventions, which is now royal banquet buffet. It's all you can eat buffet with characters and basically we've just had the best time. So I do like character dining.
Speaker 1:So for me, I think it's just going to really be any character dining, but I did really enjoy royal banquet okay, I think mine's gonna dovetail with I think it's just going to really be any character dining, but I did really enjoy Royal Banquet.
Speaker 3:Okay, I think mine's going to dovetail with.
Speaker 1:Ian, it's Walt's, it's Walt's, walt's, walt's.
Speaker 3:Walt's and Walt's.
Speaker 1:Walt's and all Walt's and all. It's a hidden gem. It is a hidden gem. It's quiet, even when they've got kids around. The restaurant itself is just nice and quiet and quite sedate and if you're lucky you can get a window seat and you can actually see the parades, which we've managed to do a couple of times. But the quality of food and quality of service is really nice For me. I would go for the soup, which is corn with popcorn, which is quite a strange combination, but it's a really nice combination, and chili, and then I've chopped and changed because I tend to be a dessert person, but I've chopped and changed on my desserts and I think the ice cream actually is probably the nicest one. So, yeah, that's Walt's for me. So I'm going to throw everything on its head now, and this is the bit where we now get thrown out of Disney. What's the worst restaurant you've been?
Speaker 3:in on the property. So, kaz, what's the worst restaurant you've been in? On property, is it easy? What's the worst one I've been in? It's going to be Hyperium, because I've eaten there twice. The service hasn't been great and, I'm sorry, if you're having hot chocolate, it's got to be hot chocolate, not water with a hint of chocolate.
Speaker 4:It's got to have an element of chocolate, doesn't it? It's definitely got to have an element of hot chocolate, not just hot water, and not just brown.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Can I have a cup of brown please?
Speaker 3:I'd be worried if it's brown Hot chocolate is brown brown please I'll be worried if it's brown.
Speaker 2:Hot chocolate is brown, yeah, but if it's just brown water, you don't actually know. Okay, rachel again, um, hyperium, um, the service is not always great and the hot chocolate is like water, like sludge, and it's just a lot, a lot better restaurants.
Speaker 3:I'm pretty sure they get the hot chocolate out the water in Pirates.
Speaker 2:Yeah, probably yeah.
Speaker 1:Anyone who's actually ridden in Pirates. Please do not drink the water.
Speaker 3:No, ho, no, ho, don't drink me.
Speaker 1:So we've got two votes for Hyperion Ian.
Speaker 4:Yeah, everyone's looking at me now because I'm the one responsible for the nondescript brown looking water. And I'm the one responsible for the nondescript brown looking water and I'm going to vote for Hyperion as well. I queued for an hour to get some hot chocolate. That wasn't hot and it wasn't chocolate. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't Disney hot chocolate brown liquid yeah, it was on one of the special nights they have over here the Halloween party. I missed the show because I was in a queue was it the Halloween?
Speaker 3:No, it was the annual pass party. It was the annual pass party.
Speaker 4:So I queued for an hour, missed the stage show and when I really impressed with myself, I finally got what I came here for, took it to the table and it was horrible. So yeah, hyperion, bit of background story. Hyperion is the cheapest option in Disneyland, so it tends to be the most or the busiest, so there's always massive queues there. But the ordering system they have in place he's looking at it's not really efficient, I totally agree with you.
Speaker 4:And the food quality yeah, that's the only one it is the only one that, yeah, there are, there are quite a few places like Hyperium in the parks, but that's the only one I would say.
Speaker 3:The service and the food is just not. The others have got a lot better service.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm going to break the chain here because it's not Hyperium.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:Because the only time I've ever eaten at Hyperium it wasn't too bad, but I think for me personally, the only time I've eaten there, it was atrocious. I know what's coming it was actually Remy, because we were stuck in a table out to one side. The service was appalling, the steak was disgusting and I'm sorry, but although everyone goes on about French food, the French do not know how to do steak Sacre bleu.
Speaker 4:Sacre bleu and chamois leather.
Speaker 3:Actually I remember that meal and it was everyone had hyped up saying, yep, chez Remy, you, you're gonna really enjoy it. We've been looking forward to it all day. And you walk into the restaurant the restaurant is beautiful, please don't get me wrong. The record is beautiful. You've got all the lovely scenery and plates and they tell you being shrunk down to the size of the wrap, and then you end up being saying, well, I could only decide was being the dining room of your local school yeah, we weren't even in the bit that actually had all the theming.
Speaker 1:We were off to one side, it was all rushed. Well, I mean one thing slightly, digressing slightly. One thing I do not like that disney do is this concept of, and they've just changed as well. For the worst is meals you only have one drink and nowadays that one drink on some of the meal plans you now have to pay extra for it's like what happened, that the drink is the cheapest thing. We go into our local harvester and they have all you can drink drink for like four or five pounds and you can go and do it yourself and press the button that you get your drink out.
Speaker 1:I like to stay hydrated. I want to have a drink, yeah, and when I say drink, I'm talking about soft drinks here, not alcohol drinks, but they do. The here's a small glass of coke and that's it I think part of it is.
Speaker 3:In france there is a sugar rule and that's one of the other reasons you don't get refillable beverages like you do in the american parks, the american resorts, where you can get resort mugs. They try not to encourage you to drink too much sugary stuff well?
Speaker 1:Well, there is an answer to that.
Speaker 3:You drink the vine.
Speaker 1:No. The answer is the same thing they do in the UK. Is they actually separate the fact that they're sugar-free and they're not sugar-free? So you turn around and go okay, fine, if you want Coke, you've got to have a bottle of Coke and we're going to charge you for it. Yeah, but you want these. If you want unlimited and you can get the diet version, the diet version.
Speaker 3:I was going to say if they had the system in France as they've got in America with the resort mugs, that would work really, really, really well.
Speaker 4:That is frustrating with meals where you just get a little drink.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that is.
Speaker 4:And they used to be included in the meal, but now you even pay extra for those.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah. Yeah, I think that's for.
Speaker 3:It's literally coming in the last 10, 15 days, so it really has just come in recently. So if you have bought a meal plan and you're listening to it and you haven't done your trip yet, be advised that now, for your sit-down meals, you do actually have to pay extra for your drink, even if you've booked it at the point when they said your drink was included. Taking away the drink at the meals at the sit, when they said your drink was included, taking away the drink at the mills at the sit-downs, I do think it's taken away some of the service and some of the options you now have with the meal plans yeah, agreed, yeah.
Speaker 1:So last thing on the list because I've I've run out of listings now is what's your favorite parade or show?
Speaker 4:That is very, very difficult. I'm going to have to say two. Mickey the Magician in the studios is incredible. That's a firm favourite of me and I tend to go there every time we come over, but last night I watched the electric drone show over the castle and that blew me away. That was incredible.
Speaker 2:It literally left you speechless, didn't it it?
Speaker 4:did yeah, so joint two for me. I me away. That was incredible. She left you speechless, didn't she? She did yeah, yeah, so joint two for me. I'm afraid that's because there wasn't any wind last night. No, that's right.
Speaker 1:There was. There was a chilli that was involved. We shall not mention the chilli?
Speaker 2:We don't talk about chilli, no.
Speaker 1:Rachel.
Speaker 2:I would say the electrical drum show. It was absolutely amazing. And the show I would say the Lion King Show. It was brilliant. You enjoyed that yeah.
Speaker 3:Kaz, show-wise, my favourite. I'm another one Mickey and the Magician, without a doubt. It is just one of those shows I love. If I could sit in the audience all day on a wet day and watch it, I would. And Parade I actually really like the current christmas parade they're doing um, christmas is here with the train and the new floats, because it takes on two dynamics you have a daytime version and a nighttime version and because they've incorporated the stage shops as well.
Speaker 1:I think that just gives it that little bit more of a wow factor and I'm last, so I think I'm going to go, for it's either going to be mickey and the magician or the lion king, but I think the lion king probably has it for me. I mean, they're both really, really powerful shows and we've seen the lion king on stage in london and we've seen videos of the lion king in the us and it doesn't compare to the stage show in London. It's actually far better than a stage show in London which is all sort of semi arty farty. And the one thing that I keep seeing on the US one is they're using handheld microphones.
Speaker 1:I just cannot see how you can do a stage show where what's the character I'm thinking of one with the big stick. I can't see how you can do a show where you have a character like rafiki, who's got this big stick and is emoting and gesticulating and the emotion from their singing that's coming out, but they're going to be holding one with a stick and the other hand's holding a microphone. It just doesn't work. Give them headset microphones. Everyone else on the planet, even the local high school, when they do their high school musical thing, will have headset microphones. It allows the actor to emote and, yeah, lion king is really, really powerful. And mickey and the magician, actually I really do like they've, they've really, that's true disney, yeah it's got that magic element.
Speaker 4:Yeah, literally, literally, literally.
Speaker 1:And the fact that they sort of do it in English and French is it doesn't make any difference. I see people complaining and going, oh, they should do it in English. It's like, well, firstly, you're in France, yeah, in France maybe. Oh, shock, horror learn. French Learn a bit yeah, because we've gone into restaurants and my French is appalling.
Speaker 1:I did schoolboy O-level French years and years ago and when you turn around to someone and say, yeah, I can speak a tiny tiny little bit of French, in French they're like oh well, yeah, they're really sort of happy the fact that you've even made that attempt, and it's quite embarrassing the fact we don't speak as many languages as the crew, as many languages as the cast do. Anyway, I'd like to thank Ian and Rachel for joining us on a fantastic trip to Disneyland Paris. It's been brilliant, it has been brilliant, it's been interesting, it's been fun, it's been informative, it's just been fantastic and yeah lots of firsts lots of firsts. Doing disney with friends is the way to do disney definitely so anyway, thank you guys you are
Speaker 3:welcome it's been a privilege.
Speaker 1:Thank you, it's been so fun and thank you for joining me in my podcast when you rock up to to a disney establishment and you dig out a mixer and podcasts and things you go oh, I'd like to do a podcast, and they're like okay. You just have that sense of what on earth is he on?
Speaker 3:That's because you're an influenza, an influenza Influenza, yeah.
Speaker 1:That's because I've been accused of being an influencer.
Speaker 3:No, it's been great guys and thank you. And thank you also for agreeing to be part of these two podcasts with Disney, with Friends, because, as Wayne has said, coming to Disney with Friends takes the trips to a whole new dynamic. And it's just really good fun.
Speaker 4:Now where's my fee?
Speaker 1:Where's your fee? Anyway, thank you for listening. Ladies and gentlemen, don't forget this is a podcast, so if you're listening on Spotify or Apple, then hopefully you can leave reviews and all that stuff. But whatever you do, please enjoy yourself, have fun. And this is addicted to disney. Bye, this podcast has been brought to you by addicted to disney. We have no affiliation to disney, apart from the fact we spend lots of money at disney. We'd also like to be sponsored by disney if they'd like to, but unfortunately they're not going to. Also not sponsored by mr kiplings, who make exceedingly good cakes.